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The American Revolution was considered both conservative and radical. The results of the revolution were radical while the movement itself was conservative. Wealthy individuals used their personal fortunes to finance the Continental army at great risk to themselves which was radical at the time. The government that was created was conservative.

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Q: Was the american revolution conservative or radical?
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Did the American Revolution have radical causes or conservative causes?

In a sense it had both causes. The upstart colonists were quite naturally viewed as radical to the throne of England and the notion that people could govern themselves remains a radical thought today. The American revolution was also heavily steeped in such conservative notions as common law, those laws accepted as a part of nature or natural law from time immemorial and embraced the great Writs of Habeas Corpus and Mandamus as part of American law.

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The Constitution should be seen as a conservative reaction to the revolution because it established the electoral college instead electing the U.S. President by majority vote.

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Yes. Robespierre did suporrt the revoltion. in fact, he was the head of the revolution.

Was the american revolution a radical event?

The American Revolution was a radical event that involved a total reformation of the British colonies into a separate country. The even sparked a war where many lost their lives and the British lost their stake in cash crops.

Is the American Revolution a modern revolution?

This has been a long-debated question among scholars. For a long time, historians thought of the Revolution as a conservative affair, i.e., an attempt to preserve colonists' British liberties. Also, the idea of a "revolution" has been defined in terms of the French and Russian Revolutions. Both of which sought to overturn the previous social order and resulted in significant violence. The American Revolution did not seek to overturn the established social order and did not result in significant internal violence. Hence, the American Revolution was not seen as radical, i.e., a genuine revolution. In 1992, Gordon S. Wood argued that the Revolution was indeed radical in that it was part of a long process of the redefinition of social relations (as opposed to the social order).

What was the event in Europe which was inspired by the American Revolution in which the King was beheaded.?

It was the French Revolution because the French Revolution began in 1789 and eventually was inspired by the American Revolution. It became very radical and the King was eventually beheaded.

Did the American revolution create a substantial though not radical push in the direct of social and political equality?

The "push" was both substantial and radical for its time.

How did states rights and the federalist system help make the American Revolution radical?

by doin nothin

What significant american event helped inspire the french revolution?

It was the American Revolution, and its success, that significantly inspired the French Revolution. The French Revolution lasted from 1789 to 1799.