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Although there were errors overall the D Day mission was a success

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Q: Was the d day a success or a failure?
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Was d day a failure?

No, it was an incredible success.

Was D-Day a succes fofr the allies or a failure?


Was d-day a success for the allies or a failure?

Yes , the Allied invasion of a Nazi occupied Europe was a success .

Why was d-day a success?

d day was successful because

How did d-day turn out?

It was a success

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Who won the battle that day on d day?

D-day was more of an operation than battle; it could only be a success or a failure. As the Allies achieved their missions (to secure the beachheads and the bridges captured by airborne troops), t has to be said that the operation was a success.

D-day succes or failure?


What caused D-Day to begun?

One of the factors that most influenced its success or failure was the weather. And, luckily for the Allies, there was a break in the weather that was predicted by the weather forecasters. So, I'd say it was the weathermen of the UK that launched the beginning of the D-Day Invasion.

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Christopher Columbus was both success and failure

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Failure = virgin success = sex