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Q: Was the federal troops on the north or south?
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What act ended Reconstruction?

Hayes withdrew the troops federal troops from the South

What was the Confederate initial action when Federal troops began an assault on Charleston in 1863?

Upon learning of an assault on Charleston, South Carolina by Federal forces in 1863, Southern troops in Wilmington North Carolina were sent to reinforce the city. Then troops from Virginia were sent to Wilmington to replace the troops sent to Charleston.

They left the South with the Compromise of 1877?

Federal Troops

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Who left the south with the Compromise of 1877?

Federal troops

What did president Andrew Jackson do in response to South Carolina nullification?

Jackson threatened to send federal troops to South Carolina to force them to comply with the law. Jackson did send troops.

What was caused by taking the federal troops out of the south?

Secession from the union

How did the compromise of 1877 help end reconstruction?

Republican Rutherford B. Hayes was elected President in return for withdrawing federal troops from the South.

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federal troops withdraw from the south

Why did the Federal government have to send troops to the south after the civil war?


When did radical congressional reconstruction of the south end?

1877When the last federal troops were removed from the south.