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The gates were always open, sometimes messengers are needed to show the path to the heaven.

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Q: Was the gate to heaven closed before Jesus' birth?
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Jesus was created by God. He was God's very first creation.Jesus was not created by God, he is coeternal with God and thus has no beginning. Read the first part of the Gospel of John.But the original question was about his birth, not his beginning. The earth already existed before Jesus birth, otherwise he could not be born in Bethlehem as stated in all four Gospels.

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After Jesus' birth in Bethlehem, the shepherds were the first to visit him, according to the New Testament. The angels announced the birth to the shepherds, who then went to see Jesus in the manger.

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It is said that Jesus was born 4 years before AD. This means for year 2010, there are 2014 from Jesus birth.

Why do christians celebrate the birth of Jesus?

Because it was the birth of the Messiah. Jesus was to be born as a baby and grow up. He had to live a perfect life and then be crucified on a cross to take away our punishment so we can go to Heaven.