

Was the moon part of the earth?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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13y ago

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While we may never be certain, scientists believe that another planet, perhaps as large as the planet Mars, collided with the proto-Earth shortly after the formation of the solar system. The cores of the two planets probably merged, and a considerable amount of the "splashed rock" coalesced to form the Moon. The rest mostly fell back to Earth.

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Is the moon considered to be a part of earth?

No. The Moon is a separate object from Earth. However, Earth and the moon are sometimes regarded as a single Earth-moon system.

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Because when the earth turns part of the time the earth is facing the sun and another part of the earth is facing the moon at a part of time.

Which part of the Moon's orbit around earth?

All part of the moon orbit around earth. Orbit mean moving around a centre object. It is different from rotation around its' axis for which, the moon show only the front part to earth.

Explain what causes us to see the different phases of the moon Include in your explanation a reference to the motion of the moon involved the relationship of the earth's and moon's plane of orbit a?

What you can see of the moon is the light of the sun on the moon. The part that is dark is where the sun's light is not shining on the moon. The part where the light of the sun is on the moon is experiencing "moon day" and where it is not shining is the "moon night." When the moon is in part of its orbit that is between the earth and the sun, we mostly see the part of the moon which is dark. Since the moon is on the sun's side of the earth, we see it during the day. So a New Moon can always be seen during the day. Conversely, when the moon is in the part of its orbit in which the earth is between the moon and the sun, we mostly see the part of the moon which is in sunshine. We mostly see the moon at night, and a Full Moon can always be seen during the night. It is important to note that the dark part of the moon is not the earth's shadow on the moon. The earth's shadow falls on the moon occurs during a lunar eclipse, which is always during a full moon because the earth is between the sun and the moon and always seen at night.

What does a full moon symbolize?

A full moon occurs when the earth, moon, and sun are in approximate alignment, but the moon is on the opposite side of the earth, so the entire sunlit part of the moon is facing earth.

Is the phase of the moon depend on how much of the lighted side of the moon can be seen from earth?

Not exactly. The lighted side of the moon as seen from Earth is that part that is not shadowed by the Earth.