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Q: Was the rise of Napoleon the end of the French revolution or a continuation of the French Revolution or perhaps not?
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There were a TON of victims of the Revolution, you know. Mainly soldiers, perhaps.

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Revolution, perhaps.

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Perhaps the industrial revolution in the early 1800s.

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There have been a number of countries which have been inspired by the American Revolution to overthrow various dictators and monarchs. However, the first to be inspired and, perhaps the most prominently so, was France, which had an explosive French Revolution in 1789.

How did the French Revolution make a major change?

Perhaps with the beginning of the Reign of Terror.

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The "October Revolution" is another name, but not a 'nickname' of the Bolshevik Revolution. In fact, the October Revolution has come to be the preferred, perhaps even formal, historical name for the event in order to distinguish the Bolshevik Revolution from the one that occurred in February (Russian calendar) which has come to be known as the February Revolution.

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In 1916, towards the end of the Industrial Revolution, Albert Einstein published perhaps his most famous work which we refer to as "The Theory of Relativity."

Which of these is true about the oxygen revolution?

Your question is incomplete, but perhaps you should have a crack at wikipedia under 'oxygen catastrophe'.

Who had a political voice in colonial Delaware?

Perhaps John Dickinson who was known as the "Penman of the Revolution" deserves that accolade.

Is there ever any true justification for a revolution?

Many people, perhaps most, would say yes

Major cause of the greek revolution?

the major cause of the greek revolution was perhaps the incident of the monarchy declining the subtle yet coefficient new England territories thus causing futhur more attributes to the teletubby generation. :)