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yes it was it was mostly America and the ussr trying to scar each other with building arsanals and large armys

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Q: Was the us government during the cold war?
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Joseph McCarthy was a US Senator from Wisconsin during the Cold War. Senator McCarthy led a witch hunt against supposed communists in the US government.

Was the us a democracy during the cold war?

the cold war happened from the end of WWII until 1991 so the go U.S. government was basically the same as it is now.

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The US did NOT allow the communists (USSR) to expand during the cold war.

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Latin America was the strategic backyard of the US during the Cold War. The Cold War started after World War II and lasted until 1991.

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Not during the cold war.

Who were the US leaders during the cold war?

President Franklin Delano Roosevelt was in charge of America during the Cold War.

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then the war would have ceased to be cold.

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