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Chemical Reaction.

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Chemical Reaction

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Q: What is a well defined example of a chemical change?
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Is fertilizing a lawn a chemical or physical change?

chemical change

Is tarnisha physical change or chemical change?

Well it could either be a physical change OR a chemical change. .

What is an example of an irreversible chemical change?

Cutting down a tree. shredding of paper as well as same of the irreversible change

What forms a chemical?

A chemical can be defined as a substance with well defined properties. There are a number of different types of chemicals. Every element is a chemical. Every compound is also a chemical. And even a mixture of elements and/or compounds is also a chemical (it might also be described as a mixture of chemicals).

What are the differences between physical and chemical changes?

Well, a physical change is a change in how something looks/ seems. For example, a metal box would go through a physical change if pounded on with a hammer. A chemical change is a change in molecular formula that you can NOT see. For example, there is CH2. If this became CH for some reason, it would be a change in the formula structure, a change yuo cannnot see.

Is temperature a chemical change?

Temperature change is not a chemical change.

What property is flammability of a substance?

Flammability is an example of the chemical property.

What is true for a physical change as well as a chemical change?

A chemical has changed appearance in both a physical and chemical change. It cannot stay the same or it wouldn't have changed.

Is bursting of explosive considered a physical change or a chemical change?

Well a chemical change cannot be reversed while a physical change can be, what do you think??

Is grilling a burger a chemical or physical change?

Well, grilling the bread is a chemical change, but the melting cheese I believe is a physical change.

Are there observable similarities between physical and chemical change?

Well obviously, a physical change and a chemical change both envolve changing of state

What scientific activities are part of your daily life?

Well, it can be many things .. For example, cooking. When you heat the food a chemical change occurs within the food.