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Jews selected for work at the Auschwitz group of camps were registered and tattooed. This was not done at other camps and they were not branded.

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Q: Were Jews branded or Tattooed in the Holocaust?
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Why did people get tattooed during the Holocaust?

People were tattooed because it was a number that Jews were forced to wear under Hitler's rule.

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Why were Jewish people considered inferior during the Holocaust?

Inferior means a person who's lower than another in status or ability. Jews were considerd along with other people who were not aryan or german to be inferior because their not worth to life and that jews should be killed because they are not equall to an Aryan german

What forearm was tattooed in the Holocaust?

THe left armm was tatoooed (:

Why where the Jews tattooed in the concentration camps?

To identify which group of Jews they came from.

Are there Jews still alive with numbers on their arms?

Yes. There are still a number of Holocaust survivors with numbers tattoed into their flesh. However, as time marches on, the day is not far off when there will be no more Holocaust survivors alive to bear witness. I personally have met some Holocaust survivors with numbers tattooed in their arm.

Were Jews in the Holocaust considered civilians?

The Jews targeted in the Holocaust were civilians.

Would you have Jews in the Holocaust?

there would not have been the Holocaust without the Jews.

Can tattooed Holocaust survivors be buried in a Jewish cemetery?

Any tattooed Jewish person can be buried in a Jewish cemetery. This is just a myth.

Did shoalin get their arms branded?

No the Shaolin never got their bodies branded, tattooed, or pierced (short of a weapon). They are not allowed to tarnish their bodies. This is part of the Zen Buddhist ways.

In the Holocaust what did Jews get killed for doing?

In the Holocaust Jews were killed simply for being Jews, in fact simply for existing.

Why did the holocaust aimed at jews?

The Holocaust is the name we give to the German attempted genocide of the Jews.