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Q: Were did many colonlists settle as more people moved to Maryland and Virginia?
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Where did many people settle as more people moved to Maryland and Virginia?

They moved to Carolina.

Where did more colonists settle as more people moved to Maryland and Virginia?

They moved to Carolina.

Where did many colonist settle as more people move to Maryland Virginia?

To south America

Where. did many colonists settle as more people. moved to Maryland and Virginia?

To south America

What reason did people settle in Maryland?

To have religious freedom

What system promised land to people who agreed to settle in Virginia Virginia?

The headright system

Where did many colonist settle as more people moved to Maryland?

To south America

Why was the mason Dixon line established?

it was established - to settle a border dispute between the four states of Pennsylvania, Maryland, Delaware, and West Virginia .

Where did many colonists settle after Virginia and Maryland?

i really don't think its farming that's just stupid if your going to put the answer put the right one......

Why did colonists settle in Virginia?

The reason the colonists chose to found a settlement in Virginia was because of the land and its resources. The first settlement in Virginia was the Jamestown settlement.

Where did the people from England settle first when they came to Maryland?

Their first settlement and capital was St Marys.

What system promised land to people who agreed to settle in for Virginia?

The headright system