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No the sun god Ra and the god Atum were

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Q: Were orisis and Isis bastets adoption parents?
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Was Isis ever married?

She was married to orisis.

Who were nuts children?

Orisis, Horus the Elder, Set, Isis and Nephthys.

Who were bastets siblings?

If the mother of Bastet was Isis, her brother was Horus; if a daughter of Ra her siblings include Shu and Tefnut.

Does the Roman Catholic associate with Isis Orisis and Horus?

The Catholic Church is not associated in any way with the pagan Egyptian gods mentioned.

How did isis get her name?

isis got her name by their parents

Who are the parents of Horus?

Isis and Osiris

Who are bastets friend's?

Bastet was identified with Hathor, Mut, Sekhmet, Tefnut; she was the daughter of Atum/Ra and soemtimes Isis; her consort was Ptah, she was also said to be mother of Anubis, or Mahes and Nefertem.

Who was bastet's parents?

ra and isis

Who was the bastets twin sister?

In Ancient Egyptian myth, Bastet did not have a twin sister. After the Greeks identified her with Artemis, Horus was identifed with Apollo and said to be her twin brother; Zeus/Ra was thier father and Isis/Leto thier mother.

Which gods were the parents of horus?

Ra Nut and Geb Osiris and Isis Are all parents of a Horus personification.

How was Isis the goddess created or born?

by nut and geb because they are her parents

Name some of the ancient Egypt gods?

amun, anumbis, atum, geb, hapy, horus, khepri, khnum, nun, orisis, ptah, ra, seth, shu, sobeck, thoth, bastet, hathor, isis, ma'at, nephthys, nut, sekhmet, seshat, tefnut