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That they evolved from land animals.

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Q: Whales have vestigial legs This suggests they?
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Modern whales have a vestigial perlvis and femur what does this evidence suggest about ancestors of modern whales?

Evidence of a vestigial pelvis and femur suggests about the ancestors of modern whales walked on land and thus, also breathed air. Many other marine life is believed to have been land based before massive climate change and perhaps floods.

How are scientists able to explain vestigial structures found in whales and some snakes?

These vestigial structure, hip bones and leg bones, attest to the land dwelling ancestor of whales and the leg bearing ancestor of snakes. The inference is rather simple in whales. How else could a water swimming animal posses vestigial legs. For light amusement read some of the creationist non explanations for these vestigial markers.

Why is a whales hind legs a vestigial organ?

Yes they do. They are detached from the vertebral column and float free though.

What is an example of transitional forms?

Whales, because their legs become vestigial for modern day whales. Their legs start to shrink slowly on the ancestors of fossils related to the whales, which slowly evolve to fins. Fish swim side to side, while the whales and dolphins move up and down. The nose slowly moves to the top of the head through the generations.

What does vestigial structure describe?

They may have had an important function in the past.

Why are vestigal structures considered critical evidence of evolution?

Many species have vestigial structures, especially in the animal kingdom. Two good examples are the vestigial legs in whales and some snakes. This is clear evidence that whales and snakes are descended from creatures that had functional legs. This is strong evidence of evolution, since there is no other plausible explanation, religious or scientific, for vestigial structures.

How many legs does a anacnda have?

None, but they do have vestigial thighbones where their back legs used to be.

Why are vestigial structures considered critical evidence of evolution?

Vestigial structures are considered evidence, but no more critical than any other line of evidence in Biology and palaeontology. They're considered evidence, not because of their function, but because of the way their morphologies follow the nested hierarchies of biology: the vestigial legs of whales, for instance, have exactly the kind of shape we would have expected them to have if whales had descended from land mammals. The same goes for human tailbones and embryonic branchial ridges, the wings of emus, and so on.

Does sperm whales have limbs?

They have the tail and their flippers. Some whales have vestigial(undeveloped) leg bones embedded in their tails.

Does a sand skink have legs?

Yes it has legs. They are vestigial (not fully formed) and practically useless.

What evidence suggests that the ancestors of whales once walked on land?

yes the facts book on whales said that 50 million years ago they walked on earth as animals. there fin's as there legs

A human appendix and a skinks legs are examples of?

vestigial organs