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women have two x chromosomes whereas men have one x chromosome and a y chromosome.

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Q: What 2 chromosomes identify a female?
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Related questions

How can you identify the difference of a female chromosome and a male chromosome?

What differentiates a male from a female based off the chromosomes that are present is that a male organism will have X and Y chromosomes whereas a female organism will have X and X chromosomes.

How many X chromosomes in a female genome?


What type of sex is an organism with 2 X chromosomes?

An organism with 2 X sex chromosomes is female.

How many x chromosomes does a female have?

1 and guys have 2

What is the genotype of normal human female?


How many human chromosomes are common to both males and females?

22 and 1/2 chromosomes are common to both males and female. The one that contains the X and Y chromosomes makes the difference. If you have X and Y chromosomes, you are male. If you have two X chromosomes, you are female. So both the male and female have got that one X chromosome in common.

How many different chromosomes do humans have think about the twenty two pairs of autosomes and the pair of sex chromosomes?

In a normal diploid cell, there are 24 *different* chromosomes out the total of 46: there are 22 pairs of identical autosomes and 2 non-identical sex chromosomes.

How are boys boys and girls girls?

Gender is determined by chromosomes A male has an X and a Y chromosome. a female has 2 X chromosomes

What chromosones does a female have?

The Human Female has 22 pairs of chromosomes plus a pair of 2 "X" sex chromosomes for a total of 23 pairs of chromosomes. The Human Male has the same 22 pairs of chromosomes, plus 1 X sex chromosome and 1 Y sex chromosome.

Is 29 chromosomes normal for a female?

No, 29 chromosomes is not a normal number for a female. Typically, females have 46 chromosomes, consisting of two copies of 23 chromosomes.

When do chromosomes duplicate in a cells life?

When there joined with a male chromosomes and a female chromosomes

What type of human has 2 x chromosomes and 0 y chomosomes?

A female human....