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Gravity and Inertia keep Earth in orbit

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Q: What 2 forces pull on planet earth creating an orbital path around the sun?
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The square of the orbital period of a planet around the sun is proportional to the cube of the planet's orbital radius?

Yes, spot on, good guess . .

What is orbital period?

Orbital period is the time it takes a planet to go around its star once.

When a planet completes one trip around the sun?

That is that planet's "year", or its orbital period.

What is difference between orbital and spinning speed of a planet?

The orbital speed of a planet is the time it takes to cycle around the sun. The spinning speed of a planet is the time it takes for the planet to rotate on it's axis.

What is another name for the moons revolving around a planet?

Orbital Bodies.

Shape of orbital path around the sun?

A planet's orbit around the sun is in the shape of an oval.

Which planet revolves faster around the sun?

Mercury has fastest orbital speed.

What is Mars planet year?

Mars has an orbital period of around 687 days.

Which planet orbit around the sun first?

Mercury is the closest planet to the Sun and has an orbital period of 88 Earth days. (Pluto in contrast has an orbital period of about 248 Earth years.)

What does it mean orbital speed?

The velocity a planet travels in it's circle around the Sun

Which planet has the lowest orbital velocity?

Pluto is the planet that has the lowest orbital velocity relative to that of the earth. The orbital velocity of Pluto is 0.159.

What is path that a planet travels on around the sun called?

Planets have elliptical orbits around the sun.