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Q: What 2 things happen to the molecules of a substance when matter changes state?
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Substance changes to form a new substance with?

a chemical reaction causes breakage and bonding of the atoms and molecules in any substance that consists of matter.

What happens when a substance changes state from a solid or liquid?

This change in the state of matter (liquid to solid) is called freezing.This change in the state of matter (solid to liquid) is called melting.They are physical change, the chemical nature of the molecules is not changed.

How do energy and changes in energy change the state of matter?

When heating a substance the substance's molecules gain kinetic energy, this leads to chemical bonds being broken and thus a change of state.

When a substance changes from a solid to a liquid occurs?

This change in the state of matter (liquid to solid) is called freezing; it is a physical change, the chemical nature of the molecules is not changed.

What does substance mean in matter and molecules?

it means to eat pie

Are changes in the state of matter are physical chemical or neither?

changes in states of matter are physical changes, as they do not affect the chemical properties of the substance

What is physical and changes in matter?

a physical is a change to a substance

What changes complex molecules into simple molecules?

respiration and microbial degradation of organic matter

When a substance changes from one state of matter to another it is call?

When a substance changes from one state of matter to another it is called changing its state. Temperature changes are usually the main cause of this change.

What happens to matter when it is heated or cooled?

It changes the vibrations of the molecules.

When molecules in matter spread out as it gains thermal energy?

Temperature is the chief factor in the expanding of molecules in a substance. Temperature creates randomness in a substance, because it increases each molecules energy.

Does melting occur when a substance changes from a liquid to a solid?

This change in the state of matter (liquid to solid) is called freezing, not melting; it is a physical change, the chemical nature of the molecules is not changed.