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Q: What are 2 types of narwhal whales?
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Related questions

What types of whales are endangered?

The Narwhal is not endangered so the guy who typed this is stupid

Does a narwhal have lungs?

Yes, a narwhal is a whale and whales are mammals, therefore a narwhal has lungs

How does narwhal whales get their food?

eat it

How does narwhal travels?

As do all whales, by swimming.

What are 2 types of whales?

Sei Whales and Bryde's Whales.

What animals are related to the narwhal?

The Beluga Whale Is A Close Relative To The Narwhal Whale.Other Relatives Include Porpoises,Walruses,And Dolphins.

Where do narwhal whales live in what ocean?

the arctic or antarctic

How many pounds of food does Narwhal whales eat in a day?


What is the genus of medium sized toothed whales to which the narwhal belongs?


What is interesting about the narwhal?

Dude, they're whales with unicorn horns. What's NOT interesting about that?

Do narwhal whales have rough or smooth skin?

Yes, becuase its born that way

Is the narwhal related to any other animal?

Yes the Narwhal is related to other animals such as, bottle nose dolphins,harbor porpoises,monodontidae,and beluga whales.