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The small intestine is where nearly all of the nutrients are digested. The stomach breaks down the food into a liquid and the colon absorbs water.

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The small intestine is where most of the absorption of food takes place. The food is broken down and the nutrients are taken into the blood stream to the rest of the body.

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Carbohydrates, proteins, and fats.

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Q: What nutrients are digested in the small intestine?
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What nutrients begins digestion only when it reaches the small intestine?

Fats are not digested until they reach the small intestine.

What organ reabsorbs digested food?

The small intestine absorbs nutrients and the large intestine absorbs water and left over nutrients.

What are the frogs intestine and large intestines function?

The large intestine covers the digested food with juices and substances. The small intestine pulls nutrients out of the digested food.

Organ were digested food is absorbed?

Food is broken down or digested in the stomach but the nutrients are not absorbed in the stomach. Nutrients from digested food are primarily absorbed in the small intestine.

What do the small and large intestines do for a frog?

The small intestine absorbs digested nutrients. The large intestine collects waste and absorbs water.

What are in organic nutrients?

The primary site of nutrient digestion is the small intestine, but this also takes place to a lesser extent in the stomach and mouth. The small intestine is also where the majority of digested nutrients are absorbed.

What is the process that takes digested food through the small intestine wall?

Absorption is the process that takes nutrients through the small intestine wall. These nutrients then enter the circulatory system, which carries the nutrients to all body cells.

Where are digested foods absorbed?

The digestion first starts in the mouth and the food is absorbed in the small intestine, and the water and minerals go to your large intestine:)learned this in biology, last week =)

How does human absorb nutrients?

A human absorbs nutrients primarily in the small intestine. The pancreas and gallbladder release enzymes into the small intestine to break down the digested food into its molecular forms, and it's absorbed through the small intestine wall into the bloodstream.

What happens to digested food after absorption?

Food is digested in the stomach, and this digestion continues to some degree in the small intestine. But it is largely in the small intestine that the nutrients are absorbed from the stream of digested materials. Anything not absorbed continues on to the large intestine for water extraction and further on to excrement.

Food is digested in the?

i dont know the answer but its not the small intestine. The small intestine is a long folded tube inside the body attached to the stomach where nutrients in the food are absorbed.

What the main purpose of the small intestine?

The small intestine further breaks-down partly digested food using its enzymes and enzymes from the pancreas. It then absorbs the nutrients from these foods and passes the nutrients on to the blood capillaries.