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the ones that have to do with the stuff that is involved such as sexual defencicies

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Q: What DNA mutations are directly linked to inherited diseases?
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What is Sex - linked inherited diseases such as hemophilia?

In sex-linked inherited diseases such as hemophilia, mothers most often pass the disease to sons.

What is true of sex linked inherited diseases such as hemophilia?

In sex-linked inherited diseases such as hemophilia, mothers most often pass the disease to sons.

What is a true of sex linked inherited diseases such as hemophilia?

Yes, as in only males can have hemophilia.

What is true of swex-linked inherited diseases such as hemophilia?

Mothers most often pass the disease to sons.

This provides a way for allele-linked diseases in parents and pinpoint the genetic base of an inherited disorder?

allele testing

How are sex-linked traits inherited?

Sex-linked traits are inherited from the organism's parents.

Genes that tend to be inherited together are said to be?

Linked On A Chromosome

How is the menkes disorder inherited?

It is inherited by being on a sex-linked chromosmal deffet

How are variations and mutations linked?

In both genetic,material is changed

Can retinoblastoma be sex linked?

no it cannot, however it can be inherited

How is adrenoleukodystrophy inherited?

It is an X-linked recessive disorder.

What is an inherited sex-linked disorder of the blood?
