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Q: What English political thinker would later have his ideas expressed in the US Constitution and the Declaration of Independence?
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What are come political and legal ideas contained in the declaration of independence US constitution and the French Declaration of the Rights of Man?

Some of the political and legal ideas contained in the declaration of independence in the US constitution and the French Declaration of the Rights of Man are philosophical and political rights.

What political theory Declaration of independence and constitution are based on?

John Locke

What actions reflects the political philosophy expressed in the declaration of independence?

Rebels attempt to overthrow a dictatorial government.

What actions reflect the political philosophy expressed in the declaration of independence?

Rebels attempt to overthrow a dictatorial government.

Americans that the declaration of independence and the constitution of 1787discuss the degree to which the constitution accomplishes the political and ideological goals that the declaration sets out?

The "question" needs to be re-stated; it's unintelligible in its current form....

In what ways is the Constitution congruent with the Declaration?

The Constitution is congruent with the Declaration of Independence in serving as the body and letter to which the Declaration is the thought and the spirit. Both documents were based on the same political and societal principles in denying absolute authority for government.

What was one major event that happened while thomas Jefferson was president?

.he provided political leadership .he expressed the reasons for colonial independence from england .he wrote the declaration of independence

What is a common name for the American political leaders and statesmen who signed Declaration of Independence and framed the US Constitution?

i dont know you spoon

Did Thomas Jefferson have anything to do with the framing of the Constitution?

Thomas Jefferson was not present at the First Consititutional Congress, where the present day United States Constitution was drafted and written, he was in Paris. He is credited for being the main author of the Declaration of Independence

Explain 3 political ideals in the declaration of independence?

Explain 3 political ideals in the decleration of independence?"

Why is the Declaration of Independence an important political document?

Well, in short version, it declared Independence as in the DECLARATION of INDEPENDENCE.

How did the colonists justify ending their political ties to Britain?

declaration of independence