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Q: What European country was nearley destroyed by a tsunami in 1755?
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What European country got wiped out by a tsunami in 1755?

The capital of Portugal, Lisbon, was almost completely destroyed by a tsunami.

What country was destroyed by a tsunami in 1755?

Portugal (next to Spain).

Which country was almost destroyed by a tsunami in 1755?

Lisbon, Portugal

Which European country did a tsunami almost destroy in 1755?

Portugal :)

Why did some of the houses get destroyed in the tsunami in japan?

It got destroyed because the force or pressure of the tsunami was too strong.

Was The Temple of the Relic of Buddha's tooth destroyed in the tsunami?

Actually the relic temple is in the middle of the country in a high elevation so it was not harmed by tsunami. But before that it was damaged by a terrorist attack.

What things did the tsunami in japan destroy?

The tsunami destroyed many buildings and damaged nuclear reactors

What did the Boxing Day tsunami destroy?

It destroyed stuff

Was Banda Aceh hit by the tsunami in 2004?

Yes. Banda Ache was almost completely destroyed by the 2004 tsunami.

What is the adverb in this sentence A tsunami destroyed Concepcion Chile in 1835?

There is no adverb in the sentence.An adverb is a word that modifies a verb, an adjective, or another adverb.Examples of use of adverb in the example sentence:A tsunami tragically destroyed Concepcion Chile in 1835? (the adverb 'tragically' modifies the verb 'destroyed')A very destructive tsunami destroyed Concepcion Chile in 1835? (the adverb 'very' modifies the adjective 'destructive')A tsunami so tragically destroyed Concepcion Chile in 1835? (the adverb 'so' modifies the adverb 'tragically')

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