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To achieve Civil Rights for African-Americans.

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Q: What Is The Main purpose Of The Civil Rights Movement?
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What were the main battles of the civil rights war?

Those were political battles; see websites on politics/civil rights movement(s).

What are some of Rosa parks accomplishments?

She was the Mother of the Civil Rights Movement, it started for her in 1955.

Which events in the civil rights movement preceded the civil rights act of 1964?

Prior to the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the main legislation in regards to civil rights was the Civil Rights Act of 1875. It was President John F Kennedy who called for this Act to be updated in response to the emerging Civil Rights movement and unrest in America.

Did Rosa Parks start civil rights movement?

No, but she was one of the main leaders of it. Dr.Martin Luther king was the leader of that particular movement.

Why was the Voting Rights important?

The Voting Rights Act (VRA) was important because the VRA was one of the main events in the CRM (Civil Rights Movement).

What was the main purpose of the civil rights of 1964?

To outlaw racial segregation in public places and employment.

Which of these men was one of the main leaders of the civil rights movement?

DR. Martin Luther king, jr.

What event caused king to get involved in the civil rights movement?

MLK got involved in civil rights movement for 1 people from his church were involved and 2 the main reason he got involved was because he found a way to fight non violently

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This movement was dedicated to the abolition of slavery that exsisted mostly in the North in the years leading up to the Civil War. This movement had both black and white members.

What was a main purpose of the 1866 Civil Rights Act?

Citizenship was granted to all people born in the U.S. except Indians.

The main purpose of the Bill of Rights was to?

The main purpose of the Bill of rights, was to protect individuals from government abuse.