

What Is the meaning of Thirst after Righteousness?

Updated: 9/17/2019
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Q: What Is the meaning of Thirst after Righteousness?
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-dipsia is the medical terminology combining form meaning thirst, as in polydipsia (excessive thirst).

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The singer Prince, in his later years, has been known as one who hungers for a knowledge on what is righteousness.

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Another answer from our community:Mat 5:6 Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, For they shall be filledThose who hunger and thirst for righteousness are promised satisfaction. These people have a passion for righteousness in their own lives; they long to see honesty, integrity, and justice in society; they look for practical holiness in the church. These people will be abundantly satisfied in Christ's coming kingdom: they shall be filled, for righteousness will reign and corruption will give way to the highest moral standards.

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desire and abitat

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Polydipsia is the term for excessive thirst. It can be a symptom of Diabetes mellitus or diabetes insipidus.Polydipsia

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1.Poor in Spirit 2.Mourn 3.Meek 4.Hunger & Thirst for righteousness 5. Merciful 6.Pure in Heart 7.Peacemakers 8.Persecuted because of righteousness

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If you meant dipsogen, it is a thirst provoking agent

Word meaning satisfy thirst?

Hydrate, satiate quench

What is the meaning of quenches?

"quench" means to put out a fire using water. It can also by analogy mean to alleviate a thirst (quench a thirst).

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Son of righteousness. See the Related Link.

What is another meaning for thirsty?

Polydipsia (medical) means excessive or abnormal thirst.