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Q: What Provides bulk to food to keep it moving through the gut?
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False: Fiber

What are the nutrients that moves through the digestive tract?

Fiber is the nutrient that helps move food through the digestive tract. It provides bulk, which activates the stretch receptors in the muscles of the digestive tract, stimulating them to activity.

Does fiber help food particles travel through the digestive system?

yes. fiber provide bulk to the food moving along the alimentary canal. It helps in peristalsis occurring in the walls of gut. I think its enough :)

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Do leaves give food to flowers?

Not exactly food, but the chlorophyll within them absorbs sunlight through photosynthesis, and then provides energy through respiration.

What processes provides the force necessary to move food through the intestine?

it is peristalsis

The nondigestable part of certain foods that aids in moving food through the digestive tract?

The non digestible part of certain food that aid in moving food through the digestive tract is called fiber. Fiber is mainly found in bread and vegetables.

What is bulk transport in cells?

i think its when a cell cant fit all the food in through the membrane so the cell wraps itself around the food to dissolve it using centrioles