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The significant Rh antigen most care about is D antigen and all A+, B+, AB+ or O+ blood types have the Rh Antigen. The positive is used to indicate the D antigen.

There are different, in fact numerous kind of blood groups. While the ABO blood group is one example the Rh blood group is another one.

The Rh blood group has 5 antigens: D C c E & e. Everyone has Rh antigens one or the other but out of Rh antigens the most important one is D. If a person has D anitgen then he/she is said to be Rh+ if not Rh-.

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An Rh negative person develops Rh antibody if exposed to Rh positive blood. This can happen during pregnancy with an Rh positive fetus if Rhogam is not given.

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Q: What Rh blood type develops the Rh antibody?
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Which antibody and antigen combination match each blood type?

The blood type notation A Rh- indicates which antigens and antibodies are present in the blood. A indicates there are A antigens. Rh+ indicates there are Rh antigens. B antibodies. If there are A and Rh antigens but no B antigens, the antibodies in the blood plasma are B antibodies.

What antibodies and antigens are in type A plus blood?

Basically, Group A Rh (D) +ve blood type has antigen A and antibody B

Describe the antibody antigen interactions that would occur if an Rh- perosn with type B blood received blood from an Rh person with type AB blood?

The recipient's antibodies would attack the A and Rh antigens. The body would not benefit at all from the transfusion.

Can Rh negative patient receive Rh positive plasma?

A Rh negative patient cannot receive Rh positive blood as it will cause a antibody reaction to the donor plasma, but a Rh positive patient can receive Rh negative blood as the donor blood lacks the Rh antibody component. PS the Rh factor is present on Red blood cells and not in Plasma

What can happen if an RH person receives RH blood?

They could potentially develop an antibody.

What can happen if an RH- person receives RH plus blood?

They could potentially develop an antibody.

What is the Rh blood type?

People with different blood types have proteins specific to that blood type on the surfaces of their red blood cells (RBCs). Rh factor "Rhesus factor" is type of antigens on the human blood cell. The presence of this antigen in human blood given (+) besides it's blood type. The absence of this antigen is given (-) besides blood type. For example A- or A+.

Why would an A plus blood type baby be at risk in the womb of an AB- blood type Mother?

The baby has RH factor and the mother does not. If the mother has had a previous RH+ child/children there is a possibility that she may have produced antibodies. Subsequent RH+ children are at risk because the mother's antibody production results in blood cell destruction (hemolytic anemia) in the fetus/child.

What are the different types of Rh blood types?

There are two types of Rh blood type, a Rh + and a Rh -ve, they are useful in surgery so blood type can be matched. Especially in pregnancy it is beneficial for mother and child to have the same Rh blood type.

Is the any risk for a mother with RH positive blood giving birth to a child with RH negative?

No there is not. There is only a risk of Hemolytic Disease of the Newborn if the mother were Rh negative and the child Rh positive. In this scenario, during birth the fetal blood cells may enter the mother's blood stream of the mother. Since the mother doesn't have Rh antigens, her immune system sees the cells as a foreign substance and develops an anti-RH antibody to eliminate them. This would not do anything to the first negative child, however, if she gave birth to a second Rh positive child, the anti-Rh antibodies that are now in her blood stream would see the fetus Rh positive antigens as a threat and try to eliminate them. This would often result in death of the fetus or serious birth defects.

What are Rh antigens?

They are a type of antigen that some people carry on their red blood cells. They are called "rhesus" because they were initially identified and studied on the red blood cells of rhesus monkeys, then were later also found in humans. If a person has Rh+ blood type they have this antigen, if a person has Rh- blood type they do not. They are important in blood transfusions in that a person with Rh+ blood type can receive either Rh+ or Rh- blood with no problems, but a person with Rh- blood type can only receive Rh- blood (Rh+ blood could kill him when antibodies from his immune system attack the rhesus antigen, causing massive blood clotting). They are important in pregnancy in that a woman with Rh- blood type has a much higher chance of miscarriage if her baby has Rh+ blood type. Note: there are roughly 30 different classes of blood type antigens, not just the familiar A, B, and Rh antigens. Most however are very rare.

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