

Salt water is best described as what?

Updated: 11/7/2021
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7y ago

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Glaubers salt

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Ephraim Armstrong

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2y ago
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Q: Salt water is best described as what?
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What can saltwater be described as?

Salt water can be described as water that has salt in it.

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best described as Salt

What is salt in water because it dissolves in water?

Salt is the solute. Water is the solvent. The mixture is a solution. Or, you can say that salt is dissociated in water because the sodium ions and the chlorine ions have moved apart as the salt dissolves. Or, you can say it is aqueous. Solutes dissolved in water are described as aqueous.

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Tap water, salt water will kill them

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an object will float on salt water best

How is salt best described?

an organic molecule created by chemically altering an acid or base

If salt is dissolved in water how can the water be described?

salty. if you mean ocean water that is now drinkable its called desalinized. It can be called saline water.

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Salt and water bleach

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Water resistant

What waters plants best tap rain or salt water?

Rain will better water plants because salt water has salt which will dehydrate the plant.