

What Statements true of Y chromosomes?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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Q: What Statements true of Y chromosomes?
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What is a true statement about Y chromosomes?

Only men have them.

What is biconditional statement?

A bi-conditional statement is one which says that if any one of two statements is true, the other is true, too. It generally takes the form, X is true if and only if Y is true, or X is equivalent to Y, where X and Y are simpler statements.

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it is used often in the context: if(condition is true) {following statements will be executed}; else[meaning that if the above condition is not true] {following statements will not be executed} for example: if(x == 3) {cout<< "condition is true"; y=4;} else {cout<< "condition is not true"; y=x-1}

Is it true that x and y are body chromosomes?

X and Y are copies of the chromosomes that determine gender. If someone has two x chromosomes they are female, while if they have one x and one y chromosome they are male. There is a rare disease where someone has one x and one y chromosome (known as XXY males) and these individuals display characteristics of both genders.

Which of the following statements are true about the line y mx b?

If you mean straight line equation: y = mx+b then m is the slope and b is the y intercept

The genes on the x and y chromosomes are called what?

The genes carried on the X and Y chromosomes are called your "sex chromosomes".

Which is the sex chromosome of lions?

You have pair of X chromosomes in case of females. You have a pair of X and Y chromosomes in case of male. This is true for all the mammals, most probably.

True or false Chromosomes other than sex chromosomes are autosomes.?

This is True. Chromosomes other than sex chromosomes are autosomes.

Chromosomes other than X and Y?

Chromosomes that are not X or Y are called homologous chromosomes and autosomal chromosomes. The first 22 pairs of human chromosomes are autosomal.

What are the chromosomes that are not X or Y?

All chromosomes that are not either X or Y are called autosomes.

What are the X and Y chromosomes called?

The X and Y chromosomes are called the "Sex Chromosomes". Both the X and Y chromosome are part of the "sex-determining system" that helps determine the sex characteristics in humans. In the system, females have two X chromosomes (XX) while males have an X and a Y chromosome (XY).