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Clarence Thomas was accused of sexual harassment by Anita Hill. He attacked his accusers in the Senate Confirmation hearings head on, though, by refering to it as "nothing more than the high tech lynching of an uppity black man."

His appointment was confirmed.

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Q: What Supreme Court justices was accused of sexual harassment during his confirmation hearings?
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Which Supreme Court nominee was the center of controversy during his nomination hearings on the grounds of sexual harassment?

Also in 1991, the confirmation of Supreme Court nominee Clarence Thomas became the center of a controversial firestorm related to a sexual harassment charge.

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Supreme Court justices in the United States are nominated by the President and confirmed by the Senate. The President typically selects a nominee based on their legal qualifications, ideology, and potential impact on the court. After nomination, the Senate Judiciary Committee holds confirmation hearings to evaluate the nominee's qualifications and vote on whether to recommend them to the full Senate. If confirmed by a majority vote in the Senate, the nominee becomes a Supreme Court justice.

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The President checks the power of the Supreme Court by appointing Supreme Court justices and the Chief Justice (subject to Senate confirmation).

Supreme court justices are appointed by the?

The appointment of the Supreme Court justices involves a number of steps that are set of the constitution of the United States. The Justices are appointed by the president and confirmed by the senate. The Senate Judiciary Committee usually has a series of hearings which calls upon the nominee and other witnesses to answer questions and make statements.

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All federal judges are nominated by the president, subject to confirmation by the Senate.

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Supreme Justices are nominated by the Senate.Then, the President appoints the justices. Therefore,the executive branch appoints supreme court justices

What are three exclusive powers that the senate has?

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Supreme court justices are appointed by the president.