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Q: What Treaty with Spain that was a result of a treaty with Britain?
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How did Britain's relationship to the colonies change the result in the Treaty of Paris?

It stretched the border to the Mississippi river

How did jays treaty affect american relations with spain?

The Spain saw the treaty as a sign that the United States might be drawing closer to Britain.

What two treaties with Britain and Spain did the US benefits?

The Rush-Bagot Treaty of 1817 and Adam-On&iacute;s Treaty of 1819

What was a result of the Treaty of Fontainebleau?

France seceeded Louisiana to Spain

After the treaty of Paris who were the main powers of north America?

Spain and Britain

What did the Treaty of Paris of 1763 end?

The Treaty of Paris in 1763 ended the Seven Years war and created peace between Spain, Britain and France.

What two treaties with Britain and Spain did the United states benefit?

The Rush-Bagot Treaty of 1817 &amp; The Adam-Onis Treaty in 1819

Why did Spain agreed to a treaty with US in 1795?

Spain feared a U.S. alliance with Great Britain

Why did Spain agree a treaty with the US in 1795?

Spain feared a U.S. alliance with Great Britain

Why did Spain agree to the treaty with US in 1795?

Spain feared a U.S. alliance with Great Britain

Why did Spain agree to a treaty the US in 1795?

Spain feared a U.S. alliance with Great Britain

What year did Britain make a treaty to turn the thirteen colonies to turn the colonies into the US?

Britain, France, Spain, Holland, and the US signed a peace treaty in 1783