

What Was The Trojan War Story Called?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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10y ago

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The main source is The Iliad by Homer, which tells about a few weeks of the 10th year in the closing stage of the war. The rest of the story is bits and pieces from later writings, poems, pottery and plays.

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trojan war is the story about the to lovers paris and helen.

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The odyssey was actually the story that came after the Trojan war. In the Illiad, Greece won the Trojan war after ambushing them using the wooden horse.

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The Trojan War is depicted in Homer's Book the Illiad.

Where can you read the Trojan war online?

go to then type: the real story of the Trojan war

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The Odyssey is the story of Odysseus, a warrior in the Trojan War, sailing home.

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The Indian poet Rabindranath Tagore wrote a play called "Chitrangada" which is based on the story of the Trojan War. It is a reimagining of the classic tale with an Indian twist.

Who is the autor of the story entitled the Trojan war?

The Greek poet Homer penned The Iliad which is an account of the Trojan War .

Who won the Trojan war and how was it won?

It is said that the GREEKS won the Trojan war.It is also said that they won it in a big woodan horse.Do you know WHY it was called the Trojan war?If No, it is called the Trojan war because it happent in a villedge called TROY123Nay