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It is a lizard. It looks the same when it is an adult as it does as a juvenile, except bigger.

One notable difference is the colour. Young komodo dragons are coloured yellow, green, brown or grey and sometimes they are often speckled and banded. Adult dragons are either earthy red in colour, greyish or black.

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Q: How do Komodo Dragens grow up?
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How large are komodo dargons?

komodo dragons can grow up to 3m long

How long does a Komodo Dragons tooth grow up to?

as long as a banana

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Which lizard can grow up to the length of 3 meters?

Komodo Dragon Lizard

Can komodo dragons grow more than 10 feet?

On rare occasions Komodo dragons can grow up to ten feet, so its most likely they don't often go pass that length.

How long can Komodo Dragons grow to in meters?

Komodo dragons are fascinating creatures and they can grow to weigh 300 pounds or more. In terms of length a fully grown adult can grow to 3 meters which is about 10 feet.

Who would win komodo dragon or Gila monster?

Yes, a Gila Monseter grows up to 60 cm (2.0 ft) long, while a Comodo Dragon can grow to a length of 3 metres (9.8 ft).

Are dragens real?

yes becase there is a gliyding lizerd that is real

How heavy can a komodo dragon get?

Komodo dragons can weigh up to about 330 pounds.

Where are all the dragens gems on Build-a-Bearville?

1. in the main sqare

Do Komodo dragons live in Madagascar?

Yes, Komodo Dragons live in Kalimantan Indonesia. Komodo dragons can be up to 10 feet long and can weigh up to 300 pounds.

How long does a komodo dragan live?

Komodo dragons can live up to 50 years.