

Best Answer

Frowning - - it takes 47 muscles in your face

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Q: What action causes the most muscles to compete?
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Which action requires the most muscles to complete?


WHich action of the mouth occurs a lot of muscle?

Smiling uses the most facial muscles.

Which action requires the most muscles to complete smilling frowning jumping or chewing?

Frowningchewing requires most chewing requires most

What is the most healthy sport in the world?

Probably swimming, uses most of the muscles and seldom causes harm to player or others.

What action uses the most muscles in the human body?

Smiling uses 17 but frowning uses 42

What is the most important role of the arrector pili muscles in humans?

It causes the hair follicle to stand erect

Why would a disease that causes the paralysis of smooth muscles be a life-threatering disorder?

smooth muscles covers most of your internal organs including your lungs so if they were paralyzed you couldn't breathe

What causes water move?

Gravity in the most part The moon thorugh tides Capilliary action

What is an intended action of the abdominals?

The abdominal muscles do many things like hold and potect the abdominal cavity and assist in breathing. But, the most obvious one is posture. They are the antagonists to the muscles along the spine and help maintain spinal curvature. The action is known as flexion of the spinal column.

What are all the setbacks of joining gymnastics?

although gymnastic can be very rewarding and fun it is a very exspensive sport to compete in and is very time consuming once you start training to compete. Also gymnastics can be very dangerous and painful. It is tough on joints and muscles and it is often impossible to provent most injuries.

What is the most common muscular dysfunction in children?

I don't know if its the most common but Muscular dystrophy is a genetic (inherited) disorder of the muscles. Muscular dystrophy causes the muscles in the body to become very weak. The muscles break down and are replaced with fatty deposits over time. Resulting in muscle wasting and weakening.

Most muscles in the body are what muscles?

skeletal muscles