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Q: What action is being taken to protect the red tailed black cockatoo?
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How many red tailed black cockatoos are left?

There are 5 sub-species of red-tailed black cockatoos, and while some are common, others are not.They are:South-eastern red-tailed black cockatoo, C. b. graptogyne, (endangered - only found in southwestern Victoria and southeastern South Australia)Forest red-tailed black cockatoo, C. b. naso(near threatened)C. b. banksii found across QueenslandGreat-billed Cockatoo or C. b. macrorhynchus(found across Australia)C. b. samueli found across the central coastal region of Western Australia, and parts of Queensland and western NSW.There are believed to be about only 1000 of the endangered South-eastern red tailed black cockatoos left in Australia, in the wild.

What is a red-tailed black cockatoo?

A Red tailed black cockatoo is a glossy black cockatoo with a large crest that it raises when excited or frightened. The male has bright red outer feathers - hence its name - but the female has a tail with orange or yellow feathers. The female also has more yellow on its under-parts. The red-tailed black cockatoo is about 55cm in length, and weighs between 570 and 880 grams.An endangered bird, it is only found in south-western Victoria and south-eastern South Australia.There are several factors contributing to it being endangered. Bushfires are a problem, as they reduce its habitat, particularly large trees with hollows for nesting, and also reduce its food source. Agriculture has also resulted in loss of habitat. Surprisingly, the redtailed black cockatoo is largely subject to predation by the brushtailed possum which, although herbivorous, take over the cockatoo's nests.

The advantages of One-tailed and two-tailed test?

The choice of one-tailed or two-tailed tests follows the logic of the hypothesis that is being tested! The one-tailed test, if appropriate, will be more powerful.

Is protect a verb?

Yes, protect, meaning to keep safe from harm, is an action and therefore a verb.A verb is a word that describes an action (run, walk, etc), a state of being (exist, stand, etc) or occurrence (happen, become, etc).

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no we are killing them

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