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Q: What methods did the NAACP use to gain black civil and political rights?
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Political organizations demanding rights for Africans first began?

Political organizations demanding rights for African-Americans began in 1905 with the Niagara Movement. Out of concern over the disenfranchisement of black people in the Southern States. Through strategies, they sought to use strategies to give black people the rights they were entitled to. The organization eventually became the NAACP.

What is the NAACP political views?

To ensure the political, educational, social, and economic equality of rights of all persons and to eliminate racial hatred and racial discrimination.

What roles did the NAACP play in the civil rights movement?

The NAACP were an organisation of black and white people that restored justice and rights back to the blacks in the cvil rights movement. They tackled different events such as Jim Crow and disfranchisement in the U.S. They are the most oldest and influenced organisation in the U.S.

How did Marcus Garvey's approach to civil rights rights differ from of the NAACP?

Garvey wanted African Americans to return to Africa, while the NAACP wanted African Americans to have civil rights at home. Garvey felt that equality was impossible in the United States, while the NAACP fought for equality. Garvey was opposed to integration, while the NAACP fought for integration.

What was the black political organization that prompted self help and defense of political rights?

The most famous Afro-American organization with the goal of establishing equality for Blacks is the NAACP. It was founded by white people at the beginning of the 20th century. it's most famous member was Martin Luther King Jr.

What was the black political organization that promoted self-help and defense of political rights?

Union League

Black political organization that promoted self-help and defense of political rights?

Union League

Why was the NAACP created?

the naacp was created cuse white hate black

What was roy wilkins occupation?

He was an American social reformer and cicil rights leader, he published a weekly black newspaper and was the executive secretary of the NAACP.

what is a goal of NAACP?

If this is for Apex multicultural studies the answer is ,that oppose negative stereotypes about African-Americans

What did the NAACP do?

The NAACP is the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People. The NAACP was started 12 February 1909 as an organization to promote the rights of minorities. The NAACP consists of different departments that are concerned with various aspects of minority rights such as legal, education and employment.The NAACP was created by a group of white people inspired by W.E.B. De Bois and the Niagara Movement. W.E.B. De Bois was the first black person in the United States to earn a doctorate degree from Harvard. De Bois had a book, The Souls of Black Folk, published in 1903 and led an anti-segregation movement that was called the Niagara Movement. The Niagara Movement started because not one American hotel would allow the group of black men to register, so they stayed on the Canadian side of Niagara Falls.