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Watching the clock

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Q: What actions do not contribute to the success of an interview during phase two?
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Which of these actions do not contribute to the success of an interview during phase two A watching the clock B Interrupting the interviewer C Giving rambling answers D All of these?

None of these actions will contribute to the success of an interview during phase two. A watching the clock - shows disrespect B Interrupting the interviewer - shows impatience and immaturity; is impolite C Giving rambling answers - shows you are disorganized and / or overly nervous / lacking confidence, and shows poor communication skills

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When describing your personality during a job interview you want to first of all make sure your actions match your description. If you say you are outgoing and friendly, but are introverted and shy during the interview, you will lose some credibility.

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While preparing for a job interview, it is a good idea to make a list of your strengths, skills, expertise, and personal attributes. Don't read from the list during the interview, but know what they are so that you can answer questions such as this one.

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If you are asked this question during an interview you want to make sure you answer it by telling the interviewer how you can contribute to the business. You also want to highlight what draws you to the discipline of business management.

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You do handshakes at the end of an interview. (you should only handshake if it was good) You do handshakes at the beginning and at the end of an interview regardless of how it went. Always opt for the more formal approach during an interview.

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