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Q: What activities do NOT require muscle contractions and energy?
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What cells are abundant in mitrochondria?

Cells that require a lot of energy for daily activities, such as muscle cells.

What are the benefits of pylometrics workout?

Muscle contractions with more force while using less energy.

Which has more mitochondrian skin or muscle cells?

Muscle cells have more mitochondria since they require a higher amount of energy to perforrm their activities in comparison to a skin cell, which does not need to constantly flex like muscles

What is one direct source of energy for muscle contractions why?

Your muscle is made up of thousands of cells. Muscle cells have extra mitochondria, mitochondria power your muscles by burning glucose.

What process involves muscle contractions that move food through the esophagus molecules?

Different types of muscle contractions

What is an Isotonic Contractions?

Isotonic contractions. This happens when the muscle shortens as it contracts

What is the primary source of energy for muscle during aerobic activities?


Do mitochondria contain a lot of muscle cells?

Yes ,muscles need much energy for contractions. So there are lot of mitochindria

Does isotonic muscle contractions involve shortening of muscle?


The strongest muscle contractions are normally achieved by what?

The strongest muscle contractions are normally achieved by increasing the stimulation up to the maximal stimulus. There are various classifications of contractions, including eccentric and concentric.

What happens to a muscle cell during intense physical activity?

During intense physical activity, glycogen; which is energy stored in muscle cells, is used during intense muscle contractions.

What is released to muscle cell receptors to trigger muscle contractions?
