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better vision

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Q: What advantage does having ultraviolet vision give bees?
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Related questions

Bees see flower patterns in what wavelength that humans cannot see?

Bees have ultraviolet vision that humans do not possess. This allows bees to see patterns in flowers for better identification.

Which animal has the best color vision?

Butterflies and bees have the best color vision, they can see even ultraviolet colors (and even we can't see those!)

How do honeybees see?

Bees and butterflies can see colors that we can't see. Their range of color vision extends into the ultraviolet. The leaves of the flowers they pollinate have special ultraviolet patterns which guide the insects deep into the flower.

What animal see ultraviolet rays?

Bees can see ultraviolet rays.

Which animal can see ultraviolet color?


Can animals see ultraviolet color?


What kind of electromagnetic radiation can honeybees see but humans cannot?

Ultraviolet light can be seen by bees, but not humans. Bees also cannot distinguish red from black.

What flowers should you plant to avoid bees?

Avoiding bees can be very tough but you should know that the bee population is very low this year so you should be encouraging them not getting rid of them!!!!!! I would be intrested to know if you eat honey is ye sthen you don't deserve to own a garden you monsotouros person!!!! :) Long live the bees!!!!! :)

What advantage to the flower are colorful?

there advantage is atracting bugs and bees to pollinate there flower, and with brighter colors they are often seen more by bees.

What advantage to the flower are colored petals?

there advantage is atracting bugs and bees to pollinate there flower, and with brighter colors they are often seen more by bees.

What is unique about the way bees see?

Bees can see ultraviolet colors that humans cannot see. This allows them to identify flowers that may have a lot of nectar.

Can bees see the color yellow?

Yes they do see in ultraviolet color. I just saw it for the question "How do Honeybees see?" answer.:)