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Emotional trauma and of course injuries or death.

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Q: What affect did the bombing of pearl harbor have on the people involved?
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What effect did the bombing of Pearl Harbor have on the people involved?

it took us into world war 2

Why do people celebrate the bombing of pearl harbor?

People don't "Celebrate" Pearl Harbor, they remember Pearl Harbor.

How did American people react to the bombing of pearl harbor?

With righteous indignation.

How many people on the ground were killed during the bombing of Pearl Harbor?

See website: Attack on Pearl Harbor

Did any Japanese people involved in the pearl harbor bombing die?

29 Japanese airplanes were downed, and 5 mini-subs were lost.

How many people died in the bombing of pearl harbor in the year of 1941?

I believe that 2,345 people were killed.

What effect did the bombing of Pearl Harbor have on the nation's mobilization?

It made Mobilization easier because people wanted to get revenge for Pearl Harbor. People readily joined the War effort.

How did the bombing of pearl harbor effect the world?

It effects the U.S. because of people dieing and taking over

Do people visit the Pearl Harbor?

The bombing of Pearl Harbor needs to be remembered so that it never happens again. By Skyqueen1234

Where were the Japanese-American people sent after the bombing of pearl harbor?

I believe sadly they were all sent to internment camps !

How many people were killed on the bombing of pearl harbor?

The official death toll was 2,350, most of them military personnel.

Why is Pearl Harbor remembered?

because it reminds us of the people who died in the bombing. you should be ashamed to ask such a thing.