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The Tripartite Pact .

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Q: What agreement brought Germany and japan and Italy together?
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Who signed the Axis agreement?

Japan , Italy and Germany .

Which agreement was signed by Italy and Germany in 1936?

ANS: Agreement between in Italy and Germany on Galileo Contribution An agreement has been reached between Italy and Germany on contribution to the Galileo programme, which, if acceptable to the other countries involved, will pave the way for the official launch of the Galileo joint undertaking's activities. The agreement was reached at the governmental level, and foresees Italy assuming responsibility for the part of the programmed, while Germany will manage the space facet. Germany will also host the joint undertaking's sites, where 30 satellites will be constructed.

Who brought the ideas of nationalism to Germany and Italy?


What were the terms of the Triple Alliance?

This agreement among Germany, Austria, and Italy.

How does the attack on Pearl Harbor effect Italy and Germany?

It brought the Americans into the war against the Axis (Germany, Italy and Japan).

Who brought the first ideas of nationalism to Italy and Germany?


Who broke the agreement with Germany and joined the allies?

A month after Italy surrendered to the Allied Powers, it delcared war on Germany.

When were Italy and Germany separated into independent nations?

Italy and Germany were never together so cannot be separated. Germany was a bunch of states until 18th Jan 1871.

Why did the abyssinian crisis strengthen relations between Italy and Germany?

because the league of nations placed sanctions on italy which only caused them to leave and brought them closer to nazi germany.

What did Italy and Germany join to make?

The two together formed the "Pact of Steel" .

The terms of the munich pact were workedout by the leaders of France Great Britain Germany Italy and Czechoslovakia?


What was the Munich agreement and when was it signed?

Neville Chamberlain, Adolf Hitler, Benito Mussolini, and Eduoard Daladier signed the Munich Agreement. Chamberlain was prime minister of the UK, Daladier of France, and Mussolini of Italy, which was Germany's Axis ally.