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Yalta came first

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Q: What allied conference came first yalta or potsdam?
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Related questions

What was the result of the yalta and potsdam conference?

The Allied leaders decided to establish the United Nations.

Where did the Allied leaders in World War 2 meet other than Tehran and Yalta?

The Potsdam Conference.

After what conference was it agreed to divide Occupied Germany into four sectors?

potsdam conference

Similarities between potsdam and yalta conference?

Similarities were that they were both about what to do after the war

What is the correct order of Allied conferences?

Casablanca, Yalta, Potsdam

Who gained most from the yalta and potsdam conference?


What was the conference where Soviets promised free elections in Poland?

"He agreed at the Potsdam Conference. " ** Actually this is incorrect. Stalin agreed to hold free elections at the Yalta Conference.

What are the three war time conferences?

The Yalta ConferenceThe Potsdam ConferenceThe Casablanca Conference

Which side gained the most from the Yalta and Potsdam conference?

Stalin as he got billions of pounds.

Where did Allied leaders meet to discuss plans for Europe after World War 2?

The "Big 3", known as Stalin, Churchill and Roosevelt (and other allies) met at Casablanca and Yalta and Potsdam to plan and discuss matters concerning the war.

When did allied leaders meet at Yalta?

The Yalta Conference was held February 4-11, 1945 .

What of the following statements explains one reason why the allied leaders met at the yalta and Potsdam's conference?

They met to discuss the terms under which the Soviet Union would enter the war against Japan. APEX