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Q: What an antonym for demolish?
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Related questions

Why is born not an antonym for demolish?

In born is to give life, to exist therefore to die, cease to exist is the antonym. To build is the opposite of demolish

What is a antonym for destruct?

The noun form for the verb to demolish are demolisher and demolishment. Another noun form is demolition.

What is the antonym of building?

Destroy, ruin, demolish, take down, or wreck. Those are opposites of build.

What is the Romanian word for demolish?

demolish = a demola

Is prepare the opposite of demolish?

'Prepare' is not the opposite of 'demolish'; 'build' or 'construct' are two words that are opposites of 'demolish'.

What part of speech is demolish?

Demolish is a verb.

Can you give me a sentence for demolish?

The man had to demolish the car in thirty seconds.

What is an antonym for concoction?

Concoct: verb1. To combine a mixture of different ingredients.2. To think or make up something, such as a plan, scheme or invention.Antonym:1. divide, separate, obliterate, remove, takeout, eliminate2. destroy, terminate, abolish, ruin, wreck, demolish, end, damage

What is another word for demolish that begins with the letter l?

demolish=level (for a building)

How much does it cost to demolish a house?

it will cost exactly $10,000 to demolish a house

What is a good sentence for demolish?

I will demolish the building using the wrecking ball after I eat my pickle.

How do you demolish a building in Evony without dynomite?

Click on the building you want to demolish and on the box which comes up with the building you selected their should be a red circle and a line going diaginally in the little picture, click it and click demolish and demolish by 1 lvl