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It is a canine, a domesticated dog which was first bred in Germany. It is medium to large in size and usually brown and black.

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Q: What animal is a German Shepherd?
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Related questions

When did the German shepherd become a domesticated animal?

the 1700s

What was Hitler's favorite animal?

He had a soft spot for animals in general, but his favorite was dogs. He had a beautiful German Shepherd named Blondi.

What type of animal is alsatian?

It is another name for a german shepherd dog.

A dog killed your dog. My dog was a terrier mix. A german shepherd killed your dog while your mom was walking your dog. The german shepherd came out of his home and ran to your dog and killed him.?

You should call animal control in your town and file a complaint. I would then sue the owner of the German Shepherd IF your dog was on a leash, the German Shepherd was NOT on a leash and IF your dog was not on the German Shepherd's property.I'm sorry for your loss, that is terrible :(

Is the White German shepherd still a German shepherd?

No. It is a swiss shepherd

You found a puppy German Shepherd what should you do with it?

Take it to an animal shelter or dog kennel.

What is faster German shepherd or lab?

German shepherd

What is more playful a German shepherd or a labrador retriever?

i have a German shepherd and a labrador my German shepherd is more friendly

Which is the best for police Doberman or German shepherd?

german shepherd

What does shepherd mean in German?

english-shepherd german-Schäfer

Who is more loyal a Husky or German Shepherd?


Which is bigger German shepherd or wolf?

A German Shepherd!