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A:Genesis 6:19 says that God told Noah to take two of every living, while 7:2 says to take seven of every clean thing and two of every unclean thing, and then 7:5 says that Noah did as God told him. So, one way or the other, he took every animal on the Ark.

He did not take the unicorn onto the Ark, but the unicorn belongs to an entirely different legend and we should not concern with it in relation to Noah's Ark.

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12y ago
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15y ago

Horses Zebras Lions Leopards tigers bears... oh my! :) All of the animals that you see today are desendancess from the animals in Noah's Ark. (of course, that is legand)

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11y ago

Jewish tradition is that Noah did not seek the animal; rather, God caused them to come to him. Any species whose time had come to go extinct were not brought to Noah by God.

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13y ago

The Bible doesn't mention any fish being taken onto the ark, as it would most likely be unnecessary to protect fish from extinction by flood.

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Eight. Noah and his wife. Three sons, Shem,Ham, Jaheth and their wives.

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40 days.

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Zero. It was Noah that was part of the flood story, not Moses.

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