

What are 2 reasons to avoid using a passive voice?

Updated: 9/17/2019
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Q: What are 2 reasons to avoid using a passive voice?
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In writing you should avoid using what type of voice?

In academic writing you want to avoid using a personal voice, such as I and me, as much as you can. You also want to avoid using a passive voice. Examples of this are: has been, have been, is ---ing, should.

Which item is not a reason why you should avoid using passive voice?

Active voice is indirect, unnatural, and forceful.

What Two reasons to avoid using passive voice?

1. Not all verbs can be used in a passive form. 2. Passive is usually used without the 'actor' of the sentence and this is not always suitable. Passive doesn't have to be avoided you just need to use passive forms at the right time.

What are two reasons to avoid using passive voice?

1. Not all verbs can be used in a passive form. 2. Passive is usually used without the 'actor' of the sentence and this is not always suitable. Passive doesn't have to be avoided you just need to use passive forms at the right time.

What are two reasons to avoid passive voice?

1. Not all verbs can be used in a passive form. 2. Passive is usually used without the 'actor' of the sentence and this is not always suitable. Passive doesn't have to be avoided you just need to use passive forms at the right time.

What is active voice to passive voice and vice versa?

Active voice: "John attended school." Passive voice: "The school was attended by John." Passive voice: "Jane was helped by John." Active voice: "John helped Jane." In active voice, the subject of the sentence usually comes first and is doing the action to something else. In passive voice, the predicate is being acted upon by the subject. Passive voice tends to be harder to read , and it tends to use more words. So for the most part, you should avoid using passive voice.

How do you form the french voice passive?

The same way it is formed in English - Il a été agressé - He was attacked.However, the French tend to try to avoid using the passive voice, instead preferring to use the impersonal pronoun on. So using the above example: On l'a agressé.

What is an example of a passive listening sentence?

Passive voice uses is or are to convey the message. She is listening to music is a passive voice sentence using this phrase.

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Describe a character using passive and active voice?

In active voice: The boy broke the window. In Passive voice: The window was broken by the boy.

One way to compress a business letter into a tight document is?

Avoid passive voice.

Passive voice of ''what do you do''?

The passive voice of ''what do you do'' is "what is done by you?"