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ty and aidan

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Q: What are 3 ways that African American suffered under slavery?
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Why is phyllis wheatley famous?

Phillis Wheatley was the first African-American Poetess. She was also the second African-American to get her book published under her name. This gained her freedom from slavery.

How did African Americans adapt to life under slavery?

i dont know why are you asking me?!

Is king kamehameha native American or African American?

Shouldn't that already be self-explanatory (seeing how this is under the "Hawaii" category...)? He's Native Hawaiian (not Native American or African American).

How were human rights abused in African slavery?

The African slaves were not allowed to drink clean water, fall in love, eat good amount of food and worked long hours for no pay.

How did African American culture survive under slavery?

1. The triangle trade brought Africans who are, need I have to say, already highly cultured ( Egyptian pyramids, gods, wealth. Shaka Zulu, Hannibal, cleopactra, exotic animals, beautiful land, ect. ) and brought them to America, gave them a higher level of literacy after slavery and combined thier culture with the Africans so you have African American's thus a mixed culture with the two races.

How did African culture and religion help enslave African Americans endure the hardships of plantation life?

Africans still practiced their traditional Yoruba & Vodou religions, under slavery, by concealing it under the guise of following Christianity.

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How did Sojourner Truth help African American?

through the under ground rail roads

When was the West African nation of Liberia was founded under the auspices of?

The American Colonization Society

How did the family structure of enslaved African-Americans help them survive life under slavery?

By taking them to the Underground Railroad to make them run away

What was the purpose of African American folktale?

African folk tales usually have morals, like aesop's fables. They center around animals and villages. You could probably find some good ones at you local library, if its diverse.

Why was plantation slavery under attack?

was plantation slavery under attack