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use of paper cups, tissue papers

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Q: What are Human daily activities that contribute environmental damage?
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What applied science that focuses on the environmental effects of human activities is called?

Environmental Science

What human activities damage the environment?

Air pollution

What are the possible activities in mathematics education related to environmental issues?

Environmental issues are negative aspects of human activity on the biophysical environment.

Growing human activities damage wildlife?

Yes human activities damage wildlife because we are destroing the forest where some animals live so they have no home. And we are killing animals for their fur. We also go hunting which kills them. So yes human activities does effect the wildlife.

What are two human activities that contribute to global worming?

Driving and using canned sprays that contain aerosol contribute to global warming.

What human activities can directly contribute to landslides?

Clearing trees from hills increases the frequency of rainstorms.

What are technological hazards?

Technological hazards originate from technologicalor industrial accidents, infrastructure failures or certain human activities, which may cause the loss of life or injury, property damage, social and economic disruption or environmental degradation.

How do human activities contribute CFC's to the atmosphere?

humans use products containing CFCs which accumulate in the atmosphere.

How the human activities cause weathering of rocks and soil in logging?

I don't question is... how does erosion contribute to flooding?

Examples of human activities that can lead to this damage are uncontrolled clearing of land for grazing and?

Rapid development

Which human activities that damage the ozone layer?

the use of CFC's hurt ozone. It depletes the layer.

Why should mining companies reduce the environmental damage caused by Thierry mines and smelters and what makes it difficult to do this?

Mining companies should reduce environmental damage caused by their operations to protect ecosystems, wildlife, and human health. They face challenges in reducing environmental impact due to the high energy consumption, water usage, and waste production associated with mining and smelting activities, as well as the complex nature of regulations and the costs involved in implementing sustainable practices. Implementing best practices, technology upgrades, and working with local communities and regulatory bodies are crucial steps in mitigating environmental damage.