

What are a sea otters two favorite foods?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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14y ago

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Shell fish , crab, and snails.

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Q: What are a sea otters two favorite foods?
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Related questions

How many types of sea otters are there?

There are 13 different otter species and two varieties of sea otters.

How manyoffspring do sea otters have in one birth?

Sea otters usually have on pup at a time. In 2% of births, however, they have two pups, although usually only one survives. In California, sea otters may have two births per year, but in cold climates like the Arctic they only have one.

Do seal and sea otters have anything in common?

Sea otters are not the same are marine otters. They are two distinct species of the otter subfamily Lutrinae. The sea otter is Enhydra lutris and the marine otter is Lontra felina. Their appearances are also distinct: where sea otters are known for their large, bulky bodies, marine otters are smaller and slender like their river-otter relatives. Additionally, sea otters live along the northwest coast of North America and near Russia's Kamchatka peninsula, whereas marine otters live along the western coast of South America.

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Her two favorite foods are sushi and pizza.

What is the difference between a sea otter and a dolphin?

River otters have much longer tails and a longer head than the sea otter. Sea otters have have large webbed hind flippers. When at the surface, river otters tend to swim on their bellies. Sea otters float on their back. River otters would be more likely to climb on a log or onshore to eat. Sea otters tend to eat their food in the water while floating on their backs, with the food on their stomach. River otters are on land frequently. Sea otters almost never leave the water. River otters tend to be all brown. Adult sea otters' heads lighten throughout their lifetime, becoming quite blond. In addition to the above, Sea Otters often gather in large numbers called "rafts" while river otters are more solitary and are usually only seen in groups of 4 or less (mom and pups). River otters can be found in streams, rivers and coastal salt water areas. This is in response to the answer below which is not correct. sea otters live in the sea otters live in rivers" style="margin: 0px 0px 10px; padding: 0px">; background-position: right bottom; background-repeat: no-repeat; height: 22px">

What do sea otters attack?

The Stellar sea lion, an eared seal, sometimes feeds on otters.

What animals live in seaweed?

There are many small animals that live in seaweed. Invertebrates such as, bristle worms, scud, prawn, snails, and brittle stars feed on the seaweed. Sea stars, anemones, crabs, jellyfish, and other small fish live in seaweed.

What animals in sea?

Many animals live in the sea. -Whales, dolphins, seals, walruses and manatees live in the sea permanently. Other animals spend much time in the sea, but don't actually live there, -polar bears and sea otters being two of them

What are Sea otter's are covered in?

Sea otters are covered in an extremely dense coat of fur, with 1,000,000 strands of hair per square inch (the densest of any animal on earth). Two different kinds of hair make up this coat: short underhair, which retains air and insulates the otter, and long guardhair, which prevent the ocean water from leaking into the underhair. It was because of this luxurious pelt that sea otters were so intensely hunted in the past--which was the primary contribution to today's decimated population of sea otters.

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How many pups an otter has depends on the species: * North-American river otters typically have 1-3 pups, and up to 6 at a time. * Eurasian river otters typically have 1-4 pups at a time. * Sea otters normally have only one pup at a time, although twins are not unheard of (however, one of the pups is always abandoned, because an otter mother can only care for one at a time). * Asian small-clawed otters usually have 1-2 pups, but can have up to 4 at a time. * Spotted-necked otters have around 3 pups at a time. * Giant otters normally have 2 pups, but are known to have between 1-5. * Smooth-coated otters, Marine otters, and African clawless otters each typically have 2-5 pups at a time. * Little is known about the hairy-nosed otter, the southern river otter, the neotropical otter, all of which are endangered species.A sea otter typically bears only one pup at a time. Sometimes a sea otter will have twins; however, in these cases, one of the pups will be abandoned, for a sea-otter mother can care for only one pup at a time.Sea Otters usually have one pup. In cases where two are produced the outcome is not good. Only about 2% survive.

What distinctive features of a sea otter?

Sea Otters can have some very strange physical characteristics such as they have no blubber, instead a very thick fur covers every inch of there bodies. Much like that of an underground animal sea otters consider smell more important than sight and high-sensitive whiskers and front paws are used more than sight in the hunting of prey. Social characteristics of sea otters are rather odd. Each sex of an otter will join hands together and float on there backs in a big formation stretching from 10-100 otters on average. This formation is called a rompt or a raft. When a rompt of otters enters another's territory another otter will attempt to scare away the pack but fighting amongst these two rompts rarely occurs. During mating season the male will mark the females its mated to by biting its muzzle often leaving scars. For more information on sea otters go to:

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