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Firstly you have to curb use of CFC's. Planting trees would help to the cause.

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Q: What are actions an individual can take in protecting your ozone layer?
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What is the process in protecting the earth by ozone layer?

The ozone layer does not do any harm. So there is no point protecting earth from it.

Does any other planet have an ozone layer?

Other planets do have ozone. It is a protecting layer.

What is a moleculer formula of ozone layer?

Ozone layer is protecting us. It contains O3 as the formula.

What is the ozone hole and how does it form?

The ozone layer is a layer of ozone gas. The layer is present in stratosphere. It helps in protecting earth.

What policy focuses on the ozone layer?

Montreal Protocol focuses on ozone layer. It aims at protecting the ozone for future generations.

What is the thin layer of gas protecting the earth from ultra-violet rays?

Ozone layer is the layer. It contains ozone molecules.

Which international policy focuses on the ozone layer?

Montreal Prototcol focuses on the ozone layer. It aims at protecting it.

How does your actions affect the ozone layer?

Our actions affect ozone. It is because we release CFC's which affect ozone.

Is it true that the earth was protected by water near the ozone layer?

No, there was no water near the ozone layer. The ozone layer has been protecting from the UV on it's own.

What did the banning of CFCs do for the ozone layer?

The banning of CFC's is a vital step in protecting the ozone layer. CFC's enter the ozone layer and start a chain reaction with the ozone present there depleting it.

What keeps the ozone layer in place?

The gravity puts it. It is a layer protecting the earth.

The layer protecting the biosphere from too much uv?

The ozone layer protects us from ultraviolet radiations. This layer blocks out all the harmful radiations and allows the good ones to pass through.