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the pollen an the nectar

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Q: Which part of the flower brightly coloured to attract insects?
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What part of a flower is color?

The petals of a flower are brightly coloured to attract insects for pollination.

What part of a flower is brightly colored?

The petals of a flower are brightly coloured to attract insects for pollination.

Why are most flower brightly colored?

To attract birds and bees to help in the plants pollination.

Why are some flowers and fruits brightly coloured?

Flowers are brightly colored to attract other insects and animals. This is a mode of pollination through agents like insects and animals. When the insects come in contact of the flower, the pollen grains stick to their feet and are transferred to another plant.

Why are petals sometimes brightly coloured?

Flower petals are bright so insets can be attracted to them to collect the flowers nectar. Once the insects have collected the nectar some of the nectar fall and that's how more flower of the same kind grow. SO SOME TIMES YOU DON'T NEED FLOWER SEEDS TO GROW FLOWER'S.

Why is it that some plants have brightly colored flowers and other do not?

to attract bugs to land on it. After landing on the flower pollen will stick to the bugs feet, so then when the bug lands on another flower, it will pollinate it. That is one way of how flowers reproduce sexually.

Why must petals of a flower be brightly colored?

They evolved that way, to attract insects, which help in the pollination.

Do petals attract insects for pollination?

Usually pollination occurs from bees. They will land on flowers and some of the pollen will stick to their legs. When they go to another flower, some of the pollen drops off of the bees legs. That is how pollination occurs.

What do large flowers with brightly colored petals attract?

Brightly coloured flowers are normally pollinated by any number of animals and insects. The coloring acts as an attractant to the flower which normally then offers nectar as an additional attractant.Dull coloured flowers (or white ones) are normally attracted to nocturnal animals (bats, mice etc) as well as nocturnal insects such as moths. They also normally have a strong scent as an added attractant.

What is the reason that the petals are so brightly colored?

Overall brightly colored flower petals assist in attracting insects, birds and small mammals to the flower for pollination. Coloured petals and nectar are normally used in conjunction - the petals as the attractant and the nectar as the "reward". Some petals which are not brightly coloured to humans, but reflect light in the Ultraviolet spectrum which some insects and birds can see.

What brightly coloured flower grew in the fields of flanders?


What is purpose of flowers?

Flowers are mainly concerned with the function of reproduction of plants and in some cases for dispersal purposes by attracting insects Flowers contain the sexual parts of flowering plants. They tend to be scented and brightly coloured in order to attract insects, which then carry the male (pollen) from one flower to the female parts of another flower, thus helping the plants to produce seeds.