

What are breechclothes and leggings?

Updated: 9/17/2019
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Q: What are breechclothes and leggings?
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What do tribe wear?

Bull skin vest, groin cloth or nothing!! :)

What clothing did the Salish wear?

The Salish indians (also known as the flathead indians) wore clothing made of dressed skins, breechclothes for men, tunics for women, leggings and moccasins for all. They also sometimes decorated their clothing with porcupine quills (which are sharp-like needles) they also decorated their clothing with natural dyes.

What did the Wampanoag Indians wear?

the women wore knee-length skirts and the men wore breechcloths with leggings. they did not wear big headdresses but instead wore beaded headbands, and the chief might wear a single feather in the headband

What did the Cheyenne use clothes?

Cheyenne Native Americans used pelts and skins from the buffalo, elk, antelope, deer, wild sheep, fox, and wolves they hunted. Women wore long deerskin dressed with high fringed boots and men wore breechclothes (loincloths) with leather leggings and moccasins. Later, men wore warshirts that the women decorated with porcupine quills, shells, and elk teeth.

Clothes starting with l?

leggings leotard leggings leotard

Were leggings invented in 1913?

No. Men were wearing a form of leggings in the 13th and 14th centuries.

What are some items you wear starting with letter L?

* labels * lapels * lingerie* loafers * lipstick * leggings * lenseslipstick

What can men wear with leggings?

Men can wear leggings with T-shirts.

What color leggings does Ariana Grande like?

I'm sure she likes all color leggings but I see her wear black leggings the most

Does it look good on girls if they wear leggings with ugg boots?

it depens on the leggings

Can men were leggings?

Of Course. Jeggings, Leggings are becoming popular with men too

How you say leggings in French?

Leggings are "des guêtres" for the old leather version, otherwise for the modern ones, French people use the word leggings.