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It is the kidneys' job to remove poisons and other undesirable chemicals from the bloodstream. If they do not do their job, we rapidly sicken and die. A person can succumb from total kidney failure in just a few hours.

Dialysis is a treatment that filters the blood for people whose kidneys are not capable of providing that service. Some causes of kidney failure are injury due to blows in the lower back, infection, severe bodily damage, such as burns or liver failure that release great quantities of toxins into the bloodstream, high blood pressure, and Diabetes.

If both kidneys are unable to function, the only recourse is dialysis or a kidney transplant.

Dialysis is sometimes used on a short-term basis to treat other conditions involving toxins in the blood, but kidney failure is the most common reason for use.

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Patients with kidney disorders need to be treated with dialysis. Devices that perform dialysis are simply called dialysis machines (dialyzers). For more information on dialysis follow the links below.

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Yes, dialysis does require energy. Please refer online to dialysis and blood transfusion. This might help.